Monday, October 7, 2013

That's Why It's Called Hunting Not Killing.

  I am now positive there are higher powers at work. Some mystic force outside the realm of my understanding seems to have decided on my destiny. It's the  only possible "logical" explanation....well that or its a secret Government conspiracy focused on my future. (How's that for a political stance on the current state of our country?) It's out of my hands. So what is it?? What is my divined fate you ask?? I am a hunting Jinx! I'm convinced of it now. After years of missed chances or shots(most of the time not even shooting), I have finally noticed the signs and seen the light.  
   It started on Friday night. We leave a windy but sunny 50 degree Price Utah and head up the mountain. I knew that it wouldn't hold all weekend, but I still didn't expect it to go from that to snowing like Christmas morning in 20 minutes. "Oh you thought it was going to be nice. That's cute". Damn Mother Nature is in on it too. But my ever thoughtful husband came prepared. This isn't his first rodeo. He's been with me when the temps drop and so does my tolerance for...well anything really. What does he do? Build a visqueen cab around the Rhino that was the most beautifully redneck contraption these cold eyes have ever seen. Brilliant! Take that conspiracists! 

So Saturday morning starts with a warm (30degree) 6 AM ride down the ridge to "Dead Elk Point". A canyon where over the last 20 years of my husbands hunting experience, he has hauled arguably dozens of Elk out of....until he brought me that is. A whole lot of nothing stared back at me from that canyon. They heard I was there and they laughed to eachother as they hid. It was like someone beat us there and chased off anything resembling an Elk within miles. This can't be just a coincidence anymore (maybe a good time for round one of screwdrivers, but not a coincidence). 
That afternoon brought no signs of letting up either. Even my glove gave me the proverbial "screw you" when I took them off!
That's my luck folks. My body even decided to get in on the action (wouldn't want to miss out on the fun) and throw down some pressure on my head like nothing I ever felt forcing me to forego the Sunday morning "Where's Waldo" in favor of sleepy time. Lucky for Chris right? Wrong! I was still on the mountain and it counted. I didn't fool anyone hiding out and it showed. Once again we left empty handed (minus the mud) and had the face the look of disappointment on our empty  freezers' face again (even it knows its me). We do have one more chance to break the curse next weekend though, so cross your fingers for me, make a wish, rub a rabbits foot..whatever. I'll take all the help I can get.

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