Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Let the rat race begin. This is one of those holidays that the work doubles when you have kids, but thankfully there are literally "sweet" rewards waiting for you at the finish line. Now, I don't live in a neighborhood per say, so for this household, there is no answering the door, admiring the costumes or giving double dips of the candy bowl to the best ones. "One for you, one for me, one for you, two for me." What people, you don't want to walk five miles out into the land of no street lights for a mini-snickers? You better work kids! Last year I even left a bowl full of candy with a sweet little "take one, eat one, leave some for your buddies" sign on the porch just in case someone made the mighty trek. I wouldn't want them to be disappointed after all that way. But, nothing.  So what tonight (or all day starting in an hour) means for us (mainly me, why don't I have a job again?) is that we go on a Halloween death drive/march spanning the East/West borders of Carbon County.  
Of course we have the Halloween parade, party and carnival at school all day to get the ball rolling. Yes, the carnival is during the day now, wouldn't want to leave it at night when both parents could attend to help wrangle, I mean enjoy the festivities. That's crazy talk! No, we like to watch you frantically chasing around a seven year old Ninja Turtle (who apparently gains cheetah like abilities after 15 cupcakes for breakfast) while holding a thirty-five pound, two year old Cowboy who spent all of that time learning how to walk only to "let" you carry him everywhere. You're right, it's much safer this way evil geniuses! 
  Next we have the East Carbon leg of the trip. Not only is it my hometown(love it there) it's where half of my family lives, so it goes without saying the thirty mile drive is a must do on the to-do. Plus, here's a tip, many of those considerate citizens go all out on the full size candy bars. Worth it! You drive around, see old friends and family, ogle the nephews, spend a quick couple hours hitting all of the "hot spots" and it's on to step three of the Halloween plan of attack. Back to Price.
This is when I get a second teammate to help with the defense/offense strategies. Thank you husband of mine,  because usually my stress level by now is an eight out of ten and the relief is a welcome sight! Now we can hit up all the Price stops we placed on the list. The neighbors, the co-workers, the family and you can't forget the neighbors of the families co-workers. Wouldn't want to offend anyone. Are we having fun yet? How long until these kids give me the proverbial finger(no, not literally) and actually go trick or treating around a neighborhood, door-to-door, like normal kids? I give it two to four years. 
Until then though, bring on the fourth and final rung on the ladder to candy heaven, it's Helper (told you we have an East/West border plans of attack )! Not only is there a beautifully lit two block neighborhood full of friendly faces and name brand candy(no candy corns or black and orange taffy chunks here), this  is also where my best friend stands like a beacon to all of us weary travelers with extra treats and movies to entertain/distract the adolescent crowd giving the adults time to enjoy themselves for a minute. So thoughtful! "A hot toddy before the walk around Castle Gate, don't mind if I do"! 
Some dinner for our stomachs and the day is complete. The finish line is crossed and permission to relax is granted. 
So with that, does everyone have their plans, their maps, their bucket(or two), their costumes, swords and masks too? Ok then. On your mark...get set...go!

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