It started out innocent enough(they're sneaky bastards that way). I saw that extra shiny piece of hair sticking up that I could almost convince myself was just really blonde(I'm a brunette). Just to be safe, you pull it, chock it up to a freak occurrence and pretend that it never existed...until you see it has friends. Shady friends too. The kind of friends that show up out of nowhere and make a scene in public just to make you look bad(they have no shame). Now you're faced with a problem. You could pull them too and the next ones and then the ones after them until your head ends up looking like one of my old Barbie dolls after too many years of "playtime". Believe me, it's not pretty. On to plan "B" then.
It's obviously time to make an appointment and commence with the every 6 week schedule you've seen every "older than you" woman maintain flawlessly to keep their fresh look going. This would work for me too if it wasn't for the abnormally thick (a "blessing" I actually appreciate) head of hair I grow. It takes a stock room full of hair dye to cover it and judging by the price, they make that stuff out of pure gold! The vain side of me smiles at the finished product before the frugal side of me sees the $80.00 receipt and dies a little inside. I don't spend $80 on anything besides gasoline and that's only because they have me cornered. Plan "C" it is!
We've all been here right...I can't be the only one. It's the do-it-yourself kit you picked up at the grocery store you had to go to anyway. Eggs, spaghetti sauce, Popsicles and yes, now hair dye. This isn't my first time, that one was spent with my then 7 year old nephew having to climb in the sink and help with the back. "You're right Austin, that is pretty white"! Less talking, more dyeing! So this time I thought it out a little more. Figured out my timing and waited until after tacos and football to ask my more than willing(yeah right) husband to just help me for a minute. "Why don't you have any friends to come over and do this?" (Ouch, that hurt a little, but I'm alright). For one, its 9 p.m. on a Monday and two I secretly like to torture him by forcing "unmanly" jobs his way. Hey, quality time is quality time! A few beers later and a promise to ruin the dreaded "ugliest t-shirt ever" and we're in business. Between his eyes that can see the back of my head for me and my uncanny ability to wipe dye from every surface within five feet, we make a good team too. It looks great, I saved $60 and I don't even have cheetah spots this time. Mission accomplished! We'll see what master plan I have to come up with six weeks from now.
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