These days you learn more every day that the norm isn't what it used to be and the rules can change faster than you can redo the poster board on the wall accordingly. It's an adapt or die type situation. The dos are now the don'ts and the old don'ts are the new dos. But, whatever you do, if you choose to do the don'ts, at least do them well. Make it worth it! Believe it or not though, many of the mottos of old still hold water better than a bucket! Prepare to be schooled in how some of the old school is still standard.
"Don't go to bed angry": You have to think ahead of time on this one. Here you are thinking "Oh it's fine, I'm tired anyway. We'll make up mañana." No! For all you know, there is a Freddy Kreugeresque nightmare in your immediate future and you're going to find yourself wishing you had compromised somehow. It's hard to cuddle up against a wall of resentment. Not comforting!
"Don't count your eggs before they've hatched": It's timeless advice really. Don't plan your purchase before you possess the funds or you could find yourself up shit creek without a penny for a paddle(Like how I worked another motto into it). It could also just mean your egg-to-cheese ratio is seriously off balance and your omelet will be subpar at best. Either way, it's not pretty.
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining": For one, it's just rude(mind your manners) and two, it's misleading. What ever happened to honesty? If you have to sugar coat something, it's probably shit to start with. There are exceptions though. My poor husband had his feet held to the fire tasting my mediocre meals for the first two years of our marriage. That's just considerate.
What about "don't judge a book by its cover": More often than not, one has nothing to do with the other. That's more the illustrators fault than the authors. Take me for instance. One the inside, I'm surprisingly put together and confident. There are days though, that the outer layer can look a toddler playing with her Mommas makeup. "Did you get punched in you eyeball?" No, I'm trying that smoky eye thing the kids are wearing nowadays. Don't judge me.
Finally, "don't get your knickers in a twist": It's as useless as it is uncomfortable for the person whose said skivvies are all askew. Regardless of how rational you may feel, overreacting to something that calls for a mild reckoning at best is just exhausting for all parties involved. "What do you mean you got Mayo?! I specifically said Miracle Whip!!" Calm down crazy.
We could really go on for days with the "don'ts" of conduct cliches. We haven't even mentioned "Don't rock the boat, don't burn your bridges or don't hold your breath(those all seem fairly obvious). But for now, I have mentioned all the mottos I could muster in just one sitting. So I'll leave you with this one final thought, "What exactly is a gift horse and where can I find one?"
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