Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching Fire Conundrum

     I've said it before and I'll say it again, I believe everyone is born with a skill they are destined to be great at! Sure, you have to find out what it is first and practice to perfect it, but the point remains. There are athletes, actresses, artists and more. I on the other hand, have spent most of my 30(yes 30, why sugar coat it) years on this planet trying to figure out just what in the Sam hell my "skill" is. I've got many "I'm not bad ats" and even more "it's not much, but it'll dos" but an actual impressive skill to be shown is a different story that has yet to be written into fact. That being said, I am in no way claiming to be without "crafts" completely.
     I'm not only "not bad at", but I'm "pretty close to confident" in my skill to win things on the radio(minus that trip to Nashville I spent a month trying to win for my husband..I'm still upset about that). I have a dialing digit that when it wants to, just can't help but win. Take this morning. I climb in the car just in time to catch "be caller #5 and win tickets for two to the Hunger Games: Catching Fire! Well not only am I a huge fan of this movie(potentially), but also any movie I can watch in a theatre. I mean literally, I saw the remake of Total Recall and was still just happy to be there. Point proven! So yes I call and yes I win! However, all the "woo-hoos" and the "that's rights" were short lived once I realized this is a 10:00 A.M. Friday showing. Damn the luck! I have many things in this world, but what I don't have is anyone not working on a Friday morning and finding themselves with nothing better to do than come over and watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for two hours.
     But have no fear! If there is one thing I know without a doubt, it's that there is more than one semi-strength up my sleeve. I have a can-do attitude Un-deterred by a lackluster showing in other areas of expertise. I'm nothing if not committed to the cause and I am proud of my habit to find a way over any hurdle however tall it is. I'm determined to show up at 10:00 A.M. for that showing and prove my prowess under pressure. I'll be there come hell or high water because I'm a doer...and if not, well then I'll have to admit defeat and donate the two tickets back to the founder so that a person more fortunate than I am at finding a babysitter may witness Katniss in all her Catching Fire glory.

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