Thursday, November 7, 2013

Boredom Bashes

     Every once in a blue moon the sun rises for the new day and brings with it a rare gift. Not just for me, but for all the poor people that have no choice but to interact with me on a daily basis(happy wife, happy life). It's a there's "no have-to on the to-do" type of day. The top three terrible tasks have been done and all is as it should be in the world (if the world was an ideal environment devoid of any stress inducing triggers). The laundry is done(having boys makes this a frightening journey full of disgusting "discoveries"), the groceries are bought and the Math homework has been finished for another week(in related news, I'm out of Vodka). I feel like singing a song in Whoville town square Dr. Seuss style. Celebrate! So with the thought of having the next 4-6 hours free to spend as I please (minus the cleaning, running and figuring out what the hell that smell is in my seven year olds room), I have found three fun "national" holidays on the calendar to acknowledge somehow.
     The first on this list of looney celebrations is definitely for the braver of societal souls (depending how you choose to interpret it). It's a Hug A Bear holiday, which I also take as a "see how long it takes you to get mauled by a Yogi type" specimen day. Who wouldn't want to spend their afternoon wandering into the wild in hopes of embracing an enormous (ill-tempered) ball of fur, teeth and claws? Sign me up! Unless they're more referring to something along the lines of the Build-a-Bear breed. In that case, pick up your BooBoos or your Berensteins and commence with the cuddling.
        The next November the seventh festivity I found couldn't be more tailor made for this Mrs. than if I had planned it myself. It's National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day! That's right, an entire day devoted to something I think about at least twice a day on a bad day and would live off of alone If I wasn't worried about appearing at least semi-attractive for my adoring husband. Genius! I would also like to add that I've heard it is customary to give gifts of such sweets to those who write meaningless blogs you may enjoy reading(cough, me, cough). I wouldn't want you to to go through the day clueless to the details.
      Finally, I have without a doubt, saved the best for last. Today is actually National Men Make Dinner Day! No, you're not mis-reading this and no I haven't misprinted the title. Look it up! A day to turn the tables(pun intended) and let the masculine of the manor serve up the supper! In my house, this comes with a 90% possibility of Top Ramen and Grilled Cheese sandwiches being served up on a silver(paper plate/bowl)platter. Delicious! Consequently, side notes for this celebration read as follows: decisions not to participate in said "holiday" is considered Un-patriotic and could result in lack of appreciation in adult situations. Gentlemen, start your burners!
     With all of this information you know now, there is no reason to spend this beautiful fall day in a stupor of boredom. Whether you hug your chocolate bear shaped almond bar while waiting for your soup to be dished out or not, I'm going to live it up one way or another (in a responsible fashion, there is a two year old tagging along). And in the event you finish your list (or even before you start it) and you find yourself lacking something special to say, wish my "Baby Brother" and his sweet wife Amy a happy four year Anniversary today!

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