Thursday, November 21, 2013

Accolade Of Accomplishment

    We all have so many parts to our personality with so many colors on our coats, sometimes it can feel like we're our own walking Rubik's cube(just as true as it is tricky). Yes, some of my colors can wear like clown mask. I love to tease, especially myself! You take away a persons ammo they may use against you if you use it first yourself(haven't you seen 8 mile, brilliant). But seriously, I believe you have to be able to laugh at yourself to learn from yourself and one of the things that I have learned to love most about myself is the feeling I get when I finish something. That accolade inherited only by accomplishment.  It can refer to anything for anyone, whether your aspiration is as grande as running an entire marathon or as simple as savoring a meal in silence one day a week. The same satisfaction spreads to all who seek it. Well seek and you shall find right? Let me share with you two of my "go-to" goals that I find yield the best results for those times I find myself eager for excellence.
    Build a bunk bed(or any other equally ingenious piece of Swedish "furniture") from IKEA. I love everything involved in the entire painstaking process from wandering the man-sized maze that is their warehouse design to their incredibly lifelike rendition of actual people doing "what you need to be doing, in the order you need to be doing it" instructional booklets. Those Swedes have it all figured out! Most days I forget to butter my toast before the jam, but throw one of their 8 box projects on my plate and it's as good as done. Serious skill involved there! The feeling of building that furniture from foundation to fruition is not only gratifying, it's a satisfaction that has no equal...well almost.
    Another ambition I love to attempt to achieve is one that isn't nearly as intellectual as it is seemingly impossible. But that's what makes it great! I love a day where your to-do tasks seem to be sans an end in sight and the hits just keep on coming as the day keeps on going. You know you have to commit to your common chores of the day, but with every act that gets thrown into the mix, it makes an already bitter pill even harder to swallow. I don't know how you feel, but I look days like this right back in their beautiful brown eyes and it's on Showdown style! I will run these errands, I will run these miles and I will run my mouth to the cell phone provider until they agree to a rate I feel is reasonable. I will scrub these floors, shower off the stress and shuck that corn. Why? One, because it is my job, yes. But two, because I like to do it well. Call me old fashioned, but I like the pride felt in my proficiency to have my husband walk through the door 12 hours later to a clean house, clean life and either a hot meal or a cold toddy(whatever the day calls for). Beyond fulfilling.
    You have to know your strengths right along with your weaknesses, your wants versus your needs and how to use them all to your advantage...or at least how to fake it until you make it. One day when I do "make it" in the mature world of a career beyond motherhood, I'll know my resume will read something like this: A multi-tasker with a penchant for proving the "impossible" possible and the "tools" required to build a better future. Equally true as it is tricky!

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